Monday 18 June 2012

Melanesian Brotherhood Commemorates founder.

   The biggest Male reliouges order in the Church of Anglican the Melanesian Brotherhoods (MBH) celebrated the day of their founder on the 6th of June at Maravovo village West Guadalcanal.
The Commemoration begun with pilgrimage walk from the Melanesian Brotherhood headquarters, Tabalia to Maravovo Village in West Guadalcanal where the founder of the Melanesian Brotherhood was laid to rest on the 6th June 1946.The event was held to help the brothers to refocus and recommitted themselves to the footsteps of what the founder; the late Ini Kopuria had set aside for the MBH.

Present during the commemoration day was the Archbishop Bishop the Rt. Rev. David Vunagi and clergies from the diocese of the Central Honiara, the religious orders and companions and the communities in and around Maravovo Village. Delivering his sermon during the Holy Eucharist at Maravovo the Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Melanesia the Most Right Rev’d David Vunagi challenged the Melanesian Brothers, Novices and Sisters attending the service to strengthen, add or to put in more effort on what late Kopuria has started. He said life and performance of the community started to change and there is a need to re-visit the original life of the community.

“Brother Ini Kopuria adopted the gospel to carry out his ministry; he sent his fellow brothers two by two as Jesus did during his ministry.”Things are different today as brothers are not honoring the commission of going out two by two as Jesus sent his disciple. The community of the Melanesian Brotherhood needs to re-visit this important aspect of mission,” Archbishop Vunagi added.

He applauded the hard work of the Melanesian in the Anglican Church through its ministry.

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